two cow incidents came up recently.
the first is this:
the lady who lives above us sleeps above milo's room. and she snores really loudly. one night milo woke up, and was crying a little. ben went in to see what was wrong, and milo pointed to the ceiling and asked "mooo?"
it was easier just to pretend that a cow lives upstairs who moos in the middle of the night. much less scary than the snorey lady.
the second:
milo and i were visiting my parents up in door county, WI. my mom and i were helping him settle down for bed. we'd already read stories and said prayers and sung lullabies. milo had a little toy cow that he wanted to sleep with, and he kept yelling out, "MOOOOO! MOOOOOOO! MOOOOOOOOOOOO!" and i told milo, "honey, the cow needs to be quiet, he needs to sleep, too."
and milo quietly whispered, "moooooooooo, moooooooooo, moooooooooo."